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Monday, August 23, 2010

Sri Lanka brought shame to cricket - Shame shame Lanka!

This is sad that the standard of cricket is going down. First it was Australia and now Sri Lanka who has brought shame to the game. Unfortunately the umpires who ae supoosed to be neutral has shown that they are nothing more that a product which can be bought either way.

Shame to Lanka and shame to the umpires. I think these nations like Srilanka and Australia should be banned for atleast next five years.

India showed tha sportsman spirit by banning firozshah kotla for one year does any other nations has the guts and moral to do so. The answer is big no! as they don't have any moral values and ae playing cricket just for the sake of money.

Once again shame to Sri Lanka

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure

A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high blood pressure. Both numbers are important. If one or both numbers are usually high, you have high blood pressure. If you are being treated for high blood pressure, you still have high blood pressure even if you have repeated readings in the normal range.

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure – CAUSE
Hypertension occurs when arterioles, small blood vessels that branch off from the arteries, become constricted making it difficult for blood to pass through them. As a result, blood pressure rises causing your heart to work harder. If your blood pressure at rest stays at 140/90 or more, you may have hypertension.

Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart, and the size and condition of the arteries. Many other factors can affect blood pressure, including volume of water in the body; salt content of the body; condition of the kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels; and levels of various hormones in the body.

Essential hypertension has no identifiable cause. It may have genetic factors and environmental factors, such as salt intake or others. Essential hypertension comprises over 95% of all high blood pressure.

Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure caused by another disorder. This may include:

adrenal gland tumors
Cushing’s syndrome
kidney disorders
glomerulonephritis (inflammation of kidneys)
renal vascular obstruction or narrowing
renal failure
use of medications, drugs, or other chemicals
oral contraceptives
hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
periarteritis nodosa
radiation enteritis
retroperitoneal fibrosis
Wilms’ tumor
other disorders

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure – SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Usually, no symptoms are present. Occasionally, you may experience a mild headache. If your headache is severe, or if you experience any of the symptoms below, you must be seen by a doctor right away. These may be a sign of dangerously high blood pressure (called malignant hypertension) or a complication from high blood pressure.

- tiredness
- confusion
- vision changes
- angina-like chest pain (crushing chest pain)
- heart failure
- blood in urine
- nosebleed
- irregular heartbeat
- ear noise or buzzing

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure – HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT
Raised blood pressure is not a disease in itself. It is just a sign of some underlying disorder. Homeopathy offers good prognosis for cases of essential hypertension. The treatment is based upon the cause and the totality of the case. Many homeopathic remedies are successfully used to control hypertension.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.

Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Hypertension:

Arnica montana affects the blood and vascular system. Symptoms occur after any trauma or overuse. It is indicated for hypertension with cardiac dropsy with dyspnoea, angina pectoris, feeble and irregular pulse, cardiac asthma.

Aurum muriaticum is indicated for cardiac symptoms of varied nature, arteriosclerosis, valvular lesions and hypertension. It acts on palpitation and tachyarrhythmia.

Ignatia amara is useful in hypertensive patients of sensitive excitable nature, and helps overcome grief and worry. It is indicated for depression, nervousness, trembling, sleep disorders, constrictive feeling in throat and chest.

Natrum muriaticum is a remedy often used by homoeopaths to people with fluttering of the heart, with the weak faint feeling worse by lying down. Heart pulsation shakes the body. Losing flesh while living well.

Secale cornatum is indicated for hypertension with congestive pain in head. It also helps to alleviate dyspnoea and oppression of chest, and palpitation with intermittent pulse. Nosebleed due to high blood pressure is also controlled.

Veratrum album is indicated for collapse, weakness and extreme coldness. It covers cold extremities, cold sweat on forehead, paleness, feeble pulse, and palpitation with anxiety and rapid audible respiration.

Cactus grandiflorus acts on muscular fibres of the heart and is indicated for high blood pressure with anxiety due to heart affections, congestive headaches, constriction in the chest, acute stabbing pains in the heart and weak heart. It is also indicated for low blood pressure.

Crataegus oxyacantha is used for stage 2 and 3 hypertension and its symptoms like extreme dyspnoea and exhaustion at the least exertion, angina pectoris, valvular murmurs, irregular pulse, cyanosis, cold extremities and oedema.

Convallaria majalis increases the heart’s action and renders it more regular. It is used when ventricles are over distended or dilated and venous stasis is marked. It is indicated for dyspnoea, dropsy, tobacco heart, orthopnoea, angina pectoris, palpitation and tachyarrhythmia.

Coffea cruda is indicated for hypertension with palpitation and suppression of urination. It acts on violent irregular palpitations especially after sudden stress, intolerance of pain, restlessness and sleeplessness.

Lobelia inflata is a vaso-motor stimulant and helps to increase blood pressure. It increases the activity of all vegetative processes. It is indicated for conditions with constriction of the chest and epigastrium, leading to dyspnoea, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, and arrhythmia.

Prunus spinosa is indicated for hypertension with tachycardia, which is exacerbated with the slightest motion, dyspnoea, feeling of oppression of the chest and angina pectoris. It has been used to treat problems of urination and shooting headache.

Rauvolfia serpentina is an Indian medicine, used for hypertension without atheromatous changes in the vessels in the form of mother tincture.

Spartium scoparium is used as palliative to combat arterial hypertension in large doses of mother tincture.

Valeriana officinalis is indicated for over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, spasms and convulsive movements of the diaphragm.

Viscum album lowers the blood pressure. It has a calming effect on palpitation and accelerated pulse. It also relieves weight and oppression of heart and dyspnoea. It is used for cardiac hypertrophy with valvular insufficiency.

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure – CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT

Medications may include diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), or alpha blockers. Medications such as hydralazine, minoxidil, diazoxide, or nitroprusside may be required if the blood pressure is very high.

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure – General Management

Lifestyle changes may help control high blood pressure:

Lose weight if you are overweight. Excess weight adds to strain on the heart. In some cases, weight loss may be the only treatment needed.
Exercise to help your heart.
Adjust your diet as needed. Decrease fat and sodium — salt, MSG, and baking soda all contain sodium. Increase fruits, vegetables, and fiber.


Constipation - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies

Constipation - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies

Nux vomica [Nux.v]

Perhaps no remedy in the Materia Medica is oftener prescribed for anything than is Nux vomica for constipation. Nux vomica has peculiar and characteristic indications for constipation, and when prescribed upon these indications it will cure every time. Nothing is surer than this. But Nux vomica is often prescribed when these indications are not present, and often does much good; in this class of cases there will almost invariably be present one of the great clinical indications of the remedy, and that is, its value in antidoting purgative medicines. In many cases of inveterate constipation calling for this,that,and the other remedy, it will be noticed that expected results are not obtained and will not be obtained and will not be obtained until Nux vomica has been given to antidote the effects of drastic medicines. Then the case can be prescribed for, the indications followed, and success result. Another thing about Nux is the fact that while prescribed low, as in the tincture, it will frequently relieve constipation, but to cure it the drug must be given in a much higher potency. Hydrastis is another remedy that is sometimes useful after the abuse of purgatives, laxatives, cathartics and their like. In all these cases, however, the symptoms calling for the respective drug should be present. Hughes claims it to be superior to Nux as usually prescribed. He recommends a drop or two of the tincture in water once daily before breakfast. Hydrastis has a symptom, however, which is quite characteristic, that is a sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, which Nux vomica does not have to any extent. The constipation of Nux vomica is usually of the kind induced by lazy habits, inattention to Nature's calls in the first place, want of exercise, sedentary habits, and a sluggish condition of the whole system. It is due not only to inactivity of the whole system. It is due not only to inactivity of the intestines, but to an irregularity of the peristaltic actions, giving rise to the great characteristic, constant ineffectual urging to stool, and when the stool does occur it is incomplete and unsatisfactory, as if a part remained behind. Absence of desire for defecation contra-indicates Nux. Inflammatory symptoms or pain generally contra-indicates. Carbo vegetabilis has urging, but it is due to wind, while Opium and Bryonia have no urging at all. According to d'Espiney, the physical signs of this inharmonious intestinal action can be felt by palpating the abdominal walls. Anacardium resembles Nux vomica in many ways. It has a sensation of a plug in the rectum which cannot be expelled. There is a fitful intestinal activity, but withal a powerlessness of the rectum. Even soft stools are expelled with difficulty. Small quantities may be expelled with each attempt. The mental symptoms of Nux are important in treating constipation, for the effect that constipation has upon the minds of some people is well known. In cases indicating Nux vomica there will be a great crossness, irascibility and objection to all opposition. The Nux stool is also apt to be large, and haemorrhoids are a frequent accompaniment. We may sum up Nux vomica by calling again the attention to the mental characteristics, the sedentary temperament,the fitful intestinal action and its antidotal relation to purgative drugs. Dr. Cartier,of Paris, well says: "Nux vomica should never be given in constipation according to the law of similars in the low attenuations, or in the mother tincture. An opposite effect will be produced thereby, an augmentation of the spasmodic state of the intestines; the higher the dilution the better the chance success. Nor should it be too often repeated."

Sulphur [Sulph]

Many of the older homoeopaths used to give Sulphur and Nux vomica in alteration for constipation. They complement each other, follow each other well, but better results will be obtained if each be given singly when indicated; for, surely, both cannot be indicated at once. With Sulphur there is an ineffectual urging to stool, with a sensation of heat and discomfort in the rectum , and there is a general uneasy feeling all through the intestinal tract, due to abdominal plethora or passive portal congestion. It is very useful remedy with which to commence the treatment of constipation, though, unless the symptoms call for it, it should not be given. A bad constitution and frequent ill health are good indications to start with, a tendency to piles is another. The stools are hard, dark, dry, and expelled with great straining, the first effort to stool being extremely painful. There is apt to be much twitching and burning of the anus, the evacuation are often unsatisfactory, and, as in Nux, there is often a sensation as if a part remained behind. Another characteristic symptom of Sulphur is constipation alternating with diarrhea. The general temperament of the drug has much to do with its choice; in fact, almost all of the indications for its use will be the general ones . The general venous system is usually at fault in true Sulphur cases, and anything that stimulates this system into action, such as exercise and cold, always benefits the Sulphur patient. Sulphur needs to be given high and n continued for any length of time .

Opium [Op]

While the constipation of Nux is due to irregularity of intestinal action, that of Opium is due to absolute inaction of the intestines, a regular paralysis of the peristaltic movement. There is an absence of desire, absolutely no urging to stool whatever, and so the faeces become impacted in the bowels; and when passed at all come in little, hard, dry, black balls, here resembling the stool of Plumbum , but with Plumbum there is some activity. Another drug which has no urging to stool is Bryonia, but here the lack of urging is rather due to dryness of the mucous membrane than to intestinal inactivity; with Opium there is a want of sensibility throughout the intestinal tract, and consequently the constipation is not apt to inconvenience the patient, hence it is apt to go on getting worse until the attention is called to it by the flatus accumulating in the upper part of the intestines. Where the faeces require artificial means for their removal, this remedy should be thought of, though Selenium, Alumina, Plumbum or Bryonia may be used in this condition. Diminished secretions are also characteristic of Opium , so that dryness intestinal inactivity, is one of the causes of constipation of old people; the patient is drowsy and dizzy.

Plumbum [Plumb]

As we have already seen, with Plumbum there is some intestinal action; in fact, at times there is considerable. Lead colic is one of the effects of the drug. So we have urging to stool, and accompanying this urging is a colic with a marked retraction of the abdominal walls. The stool is passed with the greatest difficulty and consists of little round balls, which are black, dry and hard, and there is accompanying, a marked spasm of the sphincter ani which is apt to be painful. The anus feels as if drawn upward. With this drug there is loss of muscular activity and diminished secretion of intestinal glands. Thus we see that the indications for Plumbum in constipation are concise and precise.

Alumina [Alum]

Chief among remedies for constipation due to dryness of the intestinal tract stands Alumina. There is diminished peristaltic movement and complete inertia of the rectum, so that we have the symptom, soft stool expelled with difficulty, explained. There is little or no urging to stool. The stools may be hard and knotty like sheep dung, or may be soft. It is one of our most useful remedies in constipation of children where the rectum is dry, inflamed and bleeding about the orifice. Alumina differs from Bryonia chiefly in the state of rectal inactivity. A dry mouth and an irritated looking tongue may lead to the selection of Alumina. There is much straining with the remedy and the stool is passed in very small quantities , piecemeal, so to speak. If the characteristics of Alumina are prominent in a given case, they may be due to the use of aluminum ware in cooking. Even Spring water boiled in an aluminum pot will deposit a white sediment on cooling.

Bryonia [Bry]

The large-hard-dry-stool-as-if-burnt of Bryonia is familiar to all of our Medical School. The constipation of the drug is due to dryness and there is no urging. Alumina is similar; its constipation is also due to dryness, but it has such complete inactivity of the rectum that even a soft stool is expelled with difficulty. With Bryonia the stools are passed with a great deal of difficulty, owing to an atony of the intestines similar to Veratrum album and Opium. Nux, as we have seen, produces and cures constipation due to fitful, irregular, peristaltic action. Bryonia cures constipation where not only the intestinal secretions are diminished, but the muscular action as well. Constipation in young children, according to Hughes, is frequently cured by Bryonia 30th. It is said to act better in rheumatic subjects and in summer. The mental condition of irritability and ill-humor will often be present as a concomitant of the Bryonia constipation. Older writers alternated Bryonia and Nux vomica with success in very obstinate cases.

Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]

All the muriates have crumbly stools, and so we find that the characteristic constipated stool of Natrum muriaticum is a hard and crumbly one; the rectum is dry, the stool is hard to expel and causes bleeding, smarting and soreness in the rectum. There is ineffectual urging to stool,with stitches in the rectum. It sometimes comes in the most obstinate cases, which are accompanied by hypochondriasis. Magnesia muriatica, another of the muriates, has characteristically a constipation in which the stools are passed with great difficulty, being composed of hard lumps like sheep dung, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus. Ammonium muriaticum has this same symptom of dry and crumbly stools, they may also be coated externally with mucus. In constipation of young people who are subjected to acne and comedos, Natrum muriaticum should be thought of.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Like Nux, Lycopodium has a sensation after stool as if something remained behind. Constipation, due to constriction of the rectum, calls for this remedy, and here it reminds one of Silicea. The constipation , too, is apt to be associated with the stool. The stools are dry and hard, or the first part hard, the last soft. In the constipation of children and pregnant women it often finds a place, and it is here praised by Hartmann. A great deal of rumbling in the abdomen following the stool is an additional indication. Nux and Lycopodium may be easily distinguished , though each has ineffectual urging to stool. In Nux, as ,we have seen, this is due to irregular peristaltic action, while with Lycopodium it is due to a constriction of the rectum. The mental symptoms here, too, are of the utmost importance; the depression, the melancholy and the apprehension are characteristic.

Graphites [Graph]

Graphites is one of our best remedies in constipation, if Homoeopathy can be said to have "best remedies". With this drug there is no urging. The patient sometimes goes days without a stool, and when it does come it is composed of little round balls, knotted together with shreds of mucus and accompanied with great pain when passing, owing to the fissure. These fissures, as well as the haemorrhoids which accompany them, burn, smart and itch intolerably. Excessive soreness of the anus in making the post defecation toilet is an indication for its use. Three or four remedies are usually to be thought of in this condition of fissure of the anus; they are: Silicea, Nitric acid, Paeonia and Ratanhia; these, with Graphites, will remove in most cases the underlying disease leading to the fissure. Aching of the anus after stool is also characteristic of Graphites, and sometimes we have with the drug ineffectual urging. The mucus-coated stool, the extreme soreness of the anus, the general Graphites temperament of sadness and obesity, will easily decide for the remedy. Graphites suits especially women who suffer from a neglect to attend promptly to nature's call.

Platina [Plat]

With Platina, there is torpor of the whole intestinal tract, unsuccessful urging to stool and great dryness of the rectum. The stools seem to adhere to the rectum like glue or putty. There is great weakness in the abdomen and a sensation as if there were a load in the rectum which could not be expelled. It is considered a remedy for the constipation of emigrants and travelers, so it would seem to find an additional indication where the trouble was brought on by change in manner of living. It is also a remedy for the constipation due to lead poisoning. There is frequent urging, scanty, dry stool and great abdominal weakness. As under Ignatia, there are sharp stitches in the rectum.

Silicea [Sil]

When constipation is due to inefficient expulsive force of the rectum and a spasmodic condition of the sphincter then Silicea is our remedy. With this condition we have a condition where the sphincter suddenly contracts and the partially expelled stool recedes. Causticum has constipation due to powerlessness of the rectum, so that the patient almost stands in order to enable him to get sufficient power to expel the stool, but the spasmodic condition of Silicea is absent. As with Graphites, Silicea has a great deal of soreness about the anus, also an oozing of moisture. There is urging to stool and a sensation as if faeces remained in the rectum.

Veratrum album [Verat]

Though this remedy is ;one of our greatest diarrhea remedies, it has a marked effect in the treatment of constipation. The symptoms calling for its use are as follows: There is complete atony of the intestines, as under Bryonia and Opium. The faeces accumulate in large masses in into a sweat; but finally has to give it up, and the faeces have to be removed by artificial means. There are extreme cases where the patient is able to force a passage for himself; the stools are large, hard and black. As with the diarrhea there may be faintness after the stool. Dunham speaks of the constipation of Veratrum as one characterized by a disposition to stool in the upper part of the intestinal canal and an indisposition to stool in the lower part. Dr. Bryce claims that it will bring stool quickest of any medicine I ever tried." He used 3x. It comes in very well after Nux vomica, especially in constipation of children. Podophyllum 12th has proved of use in constipation of children. Of course, the above remedies will not cure every case of constipation, but they will, if studied closely, be found to correspond with the majority of cases. Phosphorus has a constipation of long slender stools voided with much straining.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Budh Mantra

Budh Mantra

As per Astronomy, Mercury is the closest planet of all from the Sun and hence naturally the hottest one. One unique astrological feature of this planet is that it turns most frequently combust and retrograde which is also due to the astronomical proximity of Mercury to the Sun. It is to be well remembered that retrogression and combustion of any planet represent only their apparent and not actual movement through the heavens. The planet of Mercury represents logic, calculation and mathematics in astrological parlance.

In astrology, the planet of Mercury is also the natural significator of dance, medicine, wealth, crafts and sciences among other things. In medical astrology, the Mercury governs gastric problem.

In astrology, the planet of Mercury rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. The sign of exaltation of Mercury is Virgo and the sign of debilitation of Mercury is Pisces.

As based on the horoscope the malefic or benefic effect of the planet Mercury is determined in relation to a person astrologically and not merely on the basis of exaltation or debilitation because under certain conditions even a debilitated Mercury can give beneficial effects whereas based on its position and degrees in the horoscope even an exalted Mercury can sometimes give malefic effects.

As we have explained in our astrology research article “ What is Mantra” Mantras can be classified under two broad categories: -

1. Tantrik Mantras ( Beeja Mantras)
2. Vedic Mantras

Therefore, chanting of Tantrik or Vedic Mantra of the concerned planet 1,25,000 times or its half, 62,500 times reduces the malefic effects of that planet. In Panchangas, this number of times for the chanting of mantra for the Mercury is given as 19,000 when by chanting only 19,000 times the Mantra of the Mercury ( Budha) nothing substantial can be achieved and it is 1,25,000 times chanting alone which can give proper results.

The Tantrik Mantra of the Mercury: -
"Om Braang Breeng Broung Sah Budhay Namah"

The Vedic Mantra of the Mercury: -

Om Udbuddhayesvagne Pratijagihi Tvamishtapurte Sa An Srijethamaya Nya
Asmintsandhasthe Adhyuttarasminvishvedeva Yajmanashch Seedat Budhay Namah

The Mercury can be propitiated by either kind of Mantras but Tantrik Mantras( Beeja Mantras) are more popular. By undertaking this “Anushthana” ( Puja & Homa{ Ritual of Chanting of Mantras}) one can remove the malefic effects of the Mercury especially when performed in the Major Period ( Mahadasha) or Sub-Periods ( Antar Dashas) of the Mercury.

Significance of Mercury and its influence on other planets

Mercury is a deciding factor in a person’s destiny. Though Mercury is very small in size and stature, it plays a deciding role in shaping and reshaping life or the future of a person. The Effect of Mercury is such that one has to follow it in every path. Lucky are those who have the Effect of Mercury in their favor. Mercury’s influence on the native is tremendous and strong.

Mercury has certain compositions. Like ‘Mandal Grahas’ according to the Parasara system, ‘Tara Grahas’ consist of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and ‘Chaya Grahas’ denote Nodes. Venus and Jupiter are benefic.

Moon is mediocre, as it is a malefic particularly on the full moon and in between. That is why the effect of the moon has to be decided proportionately. Mercury is said to be indifferent. Saturn, Sun and Mars are malefic. Rahu, Ketu are the shadowy planets. They represent the lords of the signs they occupy. Mercury is categorized as “indifferent”. Here, the basic study is regarding the very significance of Mercury and it’s influence on other planets.

Nature of Planet Mercury
According to Jyotish Shastaras, the planet Mercury is very disciplined and intelligent. Usually, Mercury behaves in a very mature manner. Many a times, it behaves like a very rational entity. Mercury by nature is artistic. It’s nature is very receptive, and in most of the cases, cordial. Another interesting part is that it can be humorous, nervous, kind hearted and rational. Apart from that, Mercury is really an extrovert (vocal). By personality, Mercury is receptive and sociable. Not only it is analytical, but also professional in nature. It has a multi-faceted personality. Thus, this can easily adapt in any situation whatsoever.

When Mercury is Strong & Positive
On can find a great influence of Budha (Mercury) on the native. Under the good influence of Mercury, the person becomes highly intelligent, and able to discharge any given assignment on the fixed time. Under the influence of Budha a person becomes punctual in approach, and ever attentive.

More so, related to Mercury (Budha), a person also has the chance of receiving a higher education and the capability to take decisions on his own in a difficult situation. People favorably influenced by a strong Budha lead a highly intellectual life.

Mercury also imparts rational thoughts to the native, the person may also become an expert in his or her field. Persons under the Effect of Mercury (Budha) enter into all kinds of fields from medicine to sports, from engineering to teaching. Thanks to Mercury’s influence the person develops leadership qualities too. Once he makes a decision; he does that in a proper manner.

If the Effect of Mercury is very strong in a person, he/she is able to have a strong persuasive quality. This is very beneficial in any kind of work. By nature, under the Effect of Mercury (Budha), he believes in the business culture. Furthermore, he can take decisions on the spot. Others do not easily influence him. People in the influence of Mercury are very literary minded by nature.

He will carry their newness and innovation along with them wherever they go and surprise everybody with their sharp intellect. He may also try to solve the disputes of society, wherever he is living under Mercury’s influence on the native. Besides, one can never see him moving around and wasting his time.

When Mercury is weak and afflicted
Under the influence of weak and afflicted Mercury, an individual also becomes negative. And the negative part of his personality becomes dominant. The person may be talkative in nature. He might be ill tempered, sarcastic and, in many cases, never completes his education.

Further, a person born under the weak Effect of Mercury is not rational in his approach. He develops a lot of problems for himself and for society. He can become ungrateful and fraudulent. In many cases, the born person under weak Mercury becomes showy and non-reliable. Sometimes, you can find him intensely selfish.

Jupiter-Favorably placed
If Jupiter is placed favorably with respect to Mercury, it has many benefic influences on the person. He will be creative, committed, religious and mentally balanced. He will be highly educated and might be involved in research work. Thanks to the benefic effect of mercury, the person will also be optimistic and well behaved.

A favorably placed Jupiter also makes the person contemplative, sincere and responsible towards society. Such persons are great assets to society. They are useful and rational, and do their part in the development of society. Having association with these people is a matter of pride. The positive effect of Mercury is greatly enhanced due to Jupiter.

Such people work according to the needs of the hour. They are prudent enough to take decisions on the spot as and when required. They never keep anything incomplete or halfway done. They believe in complete perfection. They always stretch their hands to the needy. They cannot tolerate injustice being done to any innocent person. They are the people who believe in honesty and integrity. They are the ones whom you can rely upon.

Jupiter-unfavorably placed
If the Jupiter is unfavorably placed in respect to Mecury then the fate of the person is surrounded by difficulties. These kinds of persons are not well placed in society. They are insincere and unreliable by nature. They do not practice what they preach. They are biased in judgment. Sometimes, they cross all kinds of morale and ethics to please themselves. The effect of Mercury in such a horoscope becomes negative.

Venus-Favorably placed
If the planet Venus is favorably placed with respect to Mercury, the natives born are usually cultured and artistic minded. They are social and kind hearted. By nature, they are harmless and do not believe in creating problems for others. They always stretch their helping hands to the needy. They are nature lovers. They get pleasure when surrounded by nature. They firmly believe in peace and harmony in society and at home. They intensely believe that society should have a rightful place for one and all.

Venus–unfavorably placed
If the planet Venus is unfavorably placed in respect to Mercury then the Effect of Mercury is negative. The person may become mentally or physically unwell. He does not have a good foresight due to which he can face problems. He lacks stability. Moreover, his married life does not give him happiness. These individuals lack social respect and dignity.

Saturn-Favorably placed
Natives born under a favorably placed Saturn-Mercury are well placed in society. They are laborious and hard working. These persons are practical minded. They are optimistic in nature. They are endowed with positive thinking. One can always find such persons readily doing work for the benefit of society.

He always carries a vision. He carefully charts out his targets for life and works on them with precision. Persons under the Effect of Mercury never ever get distracted from the aim of their life. Their words match their actions. Persons under the Effect of Mercury always give fair judgment towards the betterment of a good cause. Such persons not only become successful in their life, but also turn to be a good source of inspiration for others.

Saturn-Unfavorably placed
If Saturn is unfavorably placed in respect to Mercury then the person develops a shaky personality. Most of the persons under this influence are of non-logical nature. They cannot see their life practically. They may also lack conviction.

Persons under the bad Effect of Mercury-Saturn are never able to show their presence in a healthy way. By nature, they are doubtful and pessimistic. Quite often, people of this nature lack faith in them.

Rahu – Unfavorably Placed
If the planet Mercury is placed unfavorably with respect to Rahu then the native faces tough conditions in life. They are poorly educated. They lack to draw attention of others. Mercury’s influence on the native on such persons is not favorable. People of such nature also lack rational faculty. Their memory and reasoning power is not up to the mark. They may be highly selfish by nature.

Ketu – Unfavorably Placed
Such people are unstable mentally. If the Effect of Mercury is not favorable, they become hard-hearted and lack human touch. They are antagonistic and abusive by nature, and lack social conviction. Under the effect of the Mercury, these people face tremendous problems in their married life. They are never happy with their families. People of this nature are always in haste. Wishful thinking is the part of their nature. These people are nothing, but the liability to society.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Management and Prevention of Dengue Fever with Homeopathy - An article reproduced from

Govt. of NCT DELHI

Management and Prevention of Dengue Fever with Homeopathy

Dr. R.K. Manchanda, Deputy Director(Homoeopathy), Directorate of ISM & Homoeopathy, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Dr. Surinder Verma, Assistant Director (Homoeopathy), Directorate of ISM & Homoeopathy, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

About the epidemic

The epidemic of dengue has again resurfaced in Delhi after a gap of six to seven years. Several patients are reporting in different clinics and hospitals of Delhi. Govt. as well as civic authorities are facing lot of problems in tackling this scourge of dengue virus.

Dengue fever is the most common of all arthropod born diseases. It occurs in most of the tropical countries. Over half of WHO member states representing a total of 2000 million are threatened by Dengue. Dengue viruses are arbo-viruses. The Dengue infection may be: a) Asymptomatic or b) Symptomatic, which may lead to:1) Classical Dengue fever II) Dengue Haemorrhagic fever with shock or III) Dengue Haemorrhagic fever without shock.

Dengue carrier
Aedes mosquitoes are the carrier of Dengue viruses. These mosquitoes can be easily distinguished as it is larger in size and have black and white stripes on its body, so it is sometimes called tiger mosquitoes. They usually bite during the day time. They bread in artificial accumulation of fresh water, such as broken bottles and tins, flower pots, coconut shell, tree holes etc.

Dengue fever

It is also known as “Breakbone” fever. It first epidemically attacked the people of Scotland. The symptoms of Classical dengue fever as the onset is sudden with chills and high fever raised from 102 to 105 degree and continued about 3-5 days, intense headache(retro-orbital), severe muscle and backbone pain, vomiting, tastelessness, weakness, dry tongue, constipation, reddish eye, and oedoma on face. The fever lasts for 5-7 days after which the recovery is usually complete. The chance of fatality is very low.

Dengue Haemorrhagic fever

It is the severe form of Dengue fever caused by infection of double Dengue virus. The first infection sensitizes the patient and the second appears to produce immunological catastrophe. The clinical manifestations are: a) Fever-acute onset-continues-lasting for 2-7 days; b) Liver enlargement and tenderness. Pain feels at pressure on liver. c) Nausea and vomiting, abdomen pain, d) Severe pain on whole body especially in backbone and joints. e) Haemorrage- Bleeding under skin.-Bleeding from nose.-Gum bleeding.-Blood in vomiting.-Blood in stool

Pathological diagnosis
Blood test of Leukocyte, platelets count, haemocrit with serological test are important to diagnose dengue fever. But in epidemic situation every patient having high fever is required to the suspect for dengue fever unless other cause for the fever is identified.

Homoeopathic management

Homoeopathic system of medicine can treat and prevent dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)by immuno-modulation of the patients without any side and adverse effects. Homeopathy has been used successfully in the others countries apart from India in the past. The selection of homoeopathic drugs in these cases depends upon the individual response to infection and virulence of the virus. The symptomatology of the patients those who are having dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic are studied to decide about the curative and preventive homoeopathic medicines for any patient as well as epidemic as a whole.

There are about 25 homoeopathic drugs available for the treatment of dengue fever. These are Aconite., Arnica, Arsenic-alb., Arum-tri., Baptisia., Belladonna., Bryonia., Cantharis., China officinalis Colocynthis., Eupatorium perfoliatum., Ferrum metallicum., Gelsemium., Hamamelis., Ipecac., Lachesis, Merc-sol, Nux vomica., Podophyllum., Rhus toxicodendron., Rhus-venenata., Sanicula., Secale cornutum and Sul-acidum. These drugs had been successfully used by various homeopaths across the globe for its treatment and management. In 1996 during the epidemic of dengue in Delhi Eupatorium perfoliatum was found most effective.

The present epidemic of dengue fever in Delhi is of two types. One is simple Dengue fever (DF) having no mortality, self limiting course and the patient usually recovers within five to seven days. The most useful medicines for this type of dengue fever are Arsenic album, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, and Rhus toxicodendron. These medicines are required to be used in 30 or 200 potency as per the indications and under the supervision of qualified homeopathic doctors.

The second type of dengue is of Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF), which is a severe type of infection and can be fatal. It usually develops in patients those who are already sensitized with dengue virus. The high grade fever is usually associated with severe nausea vomiting, abdominal pain and bleeding from nose, gums, blood in vomiting and stools. This type of Dengue fever (DHF) can be treated with Crotalus horridus, Ferrum metallcum, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis and Secale-cor along-with the intensive general management of the patient in form of monitoring of their leucocytes and platelet counts. These medicines can be safely used in every patient along with the general treatment being given by the allopathic doctors. After studying some of the dengue haemorrhagic patients it appears that Ipecac in 30 and 200 potency can be most indicated in the present epidemic.

Prevention of Dengue Fever (DF)/Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF)

To prevent the infection of dengue virus, social awareness and control of mosquitoes is the foremost. The environment should be clean, water tanks and containers should be covered and mosquito nets should be used. If there is any fever, immediately consult qualified homoeopathic doctors or allopathic doctors, if required get hospitalized either in a clinic or hospital for proper observation and treatment.

Prevention of Dengue Fever with Homeopathy

Simple Dengue Fever (DF)

The trends of current symptomatology of the epidemic reveals that Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 can be taken twice daily for three days and subsequently at least two doses a week at the interval of three - four day till the epidemic persist for the prevention of dengue fever.

Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)

Ipecac in 200 potency can be given twice a day for three days and two doses a week in all the patients those who have already suffered with the dengue fever and are prone for dengue haemorrhagic fever. This drug can also be used alternately with Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 to prevent both the types of dengue fever in so far not infected individuals.

These medicines are safe and can be given to any age group and even to the pregnant women without any side effects, but it is always better if these are used in consultation with the nearest qualified homoeopathic doctor. These medicines can be procured from about 185 chemist shops selling homeopathic drugs in different parts of Delhi.

The public is also informed that Govt. of Delhi is having 73 homeopathic dispensaries and two homeopathic medical colleges and hospitals. All the homeopathic drugs are available free of cost in these institutions/dispensaries. The address and timings of the nearest dispensary to once residence can be obtained from our helpline telephone numbers 24332015 (10AM to 6 PM) and from our website